How to Build Shoulder Muscles: Warm-Up, Exercises & Stretching

The muscles of the human shoulder girdle are of great importance, since they, together with the shoulder blades and clavicles, provide support, as well as stable operation of the upper limbs. Thanks to their reduction, a person can normally move his hands, satisfying his natural needs, therefore, special attention should be paid to the development of the shoulder girdle.

Anatomy of Shoulder Muscles

Of course, the shoulder girdle does not work in isolation. The movement of the shoulder girdle of the human body is due to the joint activity of various muscles. These include:

  • trapezoidal;
  • deltoid (consists of three bundles);
  • rhomboid;
  • corner
  • large toothed;
  • teres minor;
  • infraspinatus;
  • subclavian.

It is necessary to engage in the development of the shoulder girdle in the group. Moreover, you must take care of the competent preparation of the muscles for the loads, timely having a warm-up. And after class, it is recommended to stretch to restore the structure of the tissue and saturate it with oxygen.

Shoulder Warm-Up Exercises

To warm up you can do the following exercises:

  1. Shoulder rotation. You need to stand level with your feet shoulder-width apart and keep your back straight. Keeping the head still, perform the movement of the shoulder girdle first back and then forward.
  2. Shoulder lifts. They rise to maximum height on inhalation and then fall on exhalation. Stretching the shoulder girdle consists of a small number of exercises. Therefore, they are easy to remember.
  3. Hands should be extended at the elbows. First, they are rotated forward, and then backward. Act with great speed to work your shoulder muscles well.
best shoulder exercises for mass

The Best Shoulder Exercises for Mass

To pump these muscles, it is necessary to make them perform the usual movements with higher loads or intensity. Moreover, each bundle of the deltoid muscle is worked out separately. Do not forget about stretching the shoulder girdle before starting. For the front beam, do the following exercises:

  • Incline Bench Press;
  • Dumbbell Front Raise.
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For the middle beam, do the exercises:

  • Dumbbell Bench Press;
  • Dumbbell Lateral Raise.

For the back beam, do the exercises:

  • Incline Dumbbell Lateral Raise.

And besides, do not forget about the need to study other muscle groups that work in conjunction with the deltoid. When performing isolation exercises, remember the basic ones. Indeed, the developed shoulders will look attractive only if your body looks harmonious, all the muscles work harmoniously and stably.

shoulder stretches after workout

Shoulder Stretches after Workout

When you finish doing exercises aimed at developing the shoulder girdle, be sure to take a few minutes to stretch. You need to proceed as follows:

  1. Raise one arm and extend in front of the chest, and then take it to the opposite shoulder. Help yourself with the other hand – you should feel a stretch. But don’t bulge your shoulder. Start warming up your shoulder girdle with this exercise.
  2. Bind your hands. The elbow of the right should be above the inner fold of the left. In this case, the fingers of the left hand should tightly clasp the wrist of the right.
  3. Clasp your hands behind the lock and stretch yourself carefully.
  4. Put one hand against the wall, and put the other on top of it. Push down a little. Rotate with your shoulder, relieving tension, and simultaneously turn your back to the wall. Repeat for the second hand.
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Be careful when stretching. It is important that you do not feel pain – otherwise, you can damage your muscles. The functions of the shoulder girdle are very simple and equally important. Give proper attention to this muscle group and look gorgeous!


  1. What are the safest shoulder exercises? I think I have multiple issues going on with my neck and scapular area. My neck at the base of the skull on the left side feels pain and has a tendency to pop. My sternum pops if I sit down on a couch or when i get up in the morning…

    • Hi! Here are some shoulder-strengthening exercises that you can perform safely: Neutral-Grip Overhead Press, Kettlebell Shoulder Packing, Face Pulls, Floor Press.

  2. Thanks man for great article! I just found out I have scapular diskenesia. As far as i know, this curable. I have painful clicking, grinding, and popping in my right shoulder. I’ve now doing these exercises everyday.

    • You are welcome! I suggest you to see a local physio in order to get a proper exam. This can come from another source than the scapula as well

    • Hi! There are some easy remedies at home like compression. You can also use relaxants or other pain medication. But what i would NOT recommend is doing exercise without consulting a physio.


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