Home Training Strength


Barbell Overhead Press Variations: Standing vs Seated

The Barbell Overhead Press is a basic exercise in bodybuilding to build strength and muscle mass of the shoulders.

Biceps Femoris Workout and Exercises: Build Hamstring Muscles

Today you will learn how to build your biceps femoris. We will show effective exercises, muscle anatomy, and talk about the features...

The 10 Best Back Exercises & Workout Routine at Home

Bodyweight and free weight back exercises are more effective than machine exercises. This means that you can effectively train back muscles at...

How to Build Shoulder Muscles: Warm-Up, Exercises & Stretching

The muscles of the human shoulder girdle are of great importance, since they, together with the shoulder blades and clavicles, provide support,...

8 Reasons Why Your Home Workout Isn’t Working

During long-term self-isolation, many of us managed to get started with home training, and someone even got involved in them quiet well....

Functional Strength Training Program: What It Is, Pros and Cons

​In the search for an effective training, it is worth paying attention to functional strength training program. This...

Stationary Bike HIIT Workout: What is It, Benefits & Plan

Group exercise on stationary bikes, also known as spinning workout, is gaining more and more popularity due to the noticeable effect. Different...

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